Senin, Agustus 07, 2006

How To Advertise Online

5 Simple and Easy Ways to Advertise Online

Some people say that advertising is everything! Regardless if you have a product, a service, a hobby website or just want to share pictures of your wedding, you have to advertise somehow to get the traffic to your site or blog.

But not all traffic is equal. There are services that can help you drive tons and tons of traffic to your site and it won't do you any good at all because it's not targeted traffic.

Take for example all of the many different 'surf for traffic' or 'traffic clicking' programs that are out there. If you have a website that is about your hobby, say model airplanes, then what good is this traffic really going to do you? Who's using these services?

Webmasters and marketers that want traffic on their own site.So they most likely won't spend any more time on your page than is required by the little timer these services use and then they are gone again. Even if your site is about these traffic services (this is about the only time you will see very much benefit from using such a tool) you will still have to spend a ton of time just surfing and clicking around to get a real benefit from these programs. Once marketers realized this they switched gears. They started promoting all the different programs to a lot of other marketers to get them in their downlines, so they could get some traffic as a bonus. This became their new focus. The problem is that everyone else did exactly the same thing, so not a lot of people were surfing the internet anymore.

Bottom-line is this. You need targeted traffic. So here are some tips on how you can generate exactly the traffic you need and bring the visitors you want to your website without having to chase after them.

1. Content
What is your website about? Do you just have a page with a lot of links and not much else?If this is the case, think about adding some content to your website that will be of value to any potential visitors. You could write articles or find articles at one of the many directories that you can reprint on your site.

2. Talk about your experiences in your subject matter.
You don't have to put up some kind of resume (although that can work too), but rather try writing about what you are doing, as it relates to your topic of choice. Let's look at the model airplanes again briefly, you could talk or write about the latest plane type you built, how the last time flying your plane went, what challenges you run into or perhaps even post some pictures of your plane or of you flying it.

3. Forums and bulletin boards.
You could add a forum or bulletin board to your website where your visitors can interact with each other. There are a lot of free services available out there that you can use to either remotely host a forum for you, or even software you can install on your website's server. To find some of these, just head over to your favorite search engine and you will definitely find plenty to choose from.And while you are visiting the search engine, why not run a search for any bulletin boards and forums that are already out there for your chosen topic? You could visit those and interact with the visitors there and since many allow you to post a signature or a profile, you could add a little line about your own site with a link (just check the rules of the forum first soyou don't violate any of them).

4. Start a blog.
Blogs are very popular and search engines love them because they provide constantly new and fresh content. Your blog would be a great place to talk about what you are up to that day. So if you spent some time today buying new parts for your plane you could write about where you found them, how much they cost you, why you chose those parts, anything really goes.

The really great part about this is that you can point links from your blog back to your website, so when the search engine stops by to grab and index your latest content, it will also stop by your website and you will start seeing very targeted traffic heading your way.

5. Write articles.
Writing articles isn't hard and can be a great source of fresh, new traffic to your website. There are a lot of ezines on any topic out there and there are also a lot of directories where you can share your article.

Basically, what you do is write an article and then add a small resource box that links back to your website (just like a signature) and then let other ezine publishers know that you are allowing them to print your article in their ezine. And many publishers go to the article directories to find new content for their newsletter and even their websites. And since there arewebsites and ezine newsletters on any imaginable topic out there, you can't lose. Write an article every couple of days and post it in the directories (even one a week or every two weeks will start getting you traffic). Very soon you will find new traffic coming from search engines, newsletters and websites.

Best of all, these 5 simple tips will bring targeted traffic, meaning the visitors are coming to you because they are interested in what you wrote.So there you have it. Whether you have a simple and basic Work at Home Business or a significant Internet Marketing enterprise you can benefit from these 5 easy and simple ways to advertise and drive traffic to your website at absolutely no cost.

By: Stephen Wright

Article Source:

Submit Your Site To The Web's Top 50 Search Engines for Free!

Minggu, Agustus 06, 2006


Technorati Profile

2 Marketing Strategies to Make Money Online with Affiliate Programs!
By: Adam Beazley

Thefirst strategy to make money online is building a list. This strategy is the most important step to continue tomake money long term. If you do not already have some type of autorepondersystem you need to get one. Don’t be cheap here either because your entirebusiness will hinge on this one piece of software. You can build your list many different ways.
You can buy leads from reputable list building companies and get them into yourautoresponder. Most good list building companies will have an option to send anemail to your autoresponder so you don’t have to manually input the lead’sinformation.

Another effective way of building your list is from thetraffic that visits your website. This step, which is probably the most effective,does require you to have a website in order to implement an opt-in list form. Of course if your Affiliate program does offer a list management service thenyou can send traffic to the affiliate URL, but I don’t recommend it as you willusually not be able to email the entire list with special offers.

To make the most of your opt-in form and get the mostsignups, you should place it in your sales page text. It should bestrategically located in the sales text after you present a problem. The titleof your autoresponder email series should address the problem by offering asolution. In the example below we will assume that I am selling a hostingpackage and I want opt-in subscribers to my email course for back-end sales.

Example: You can use the pre-built websites or build yourown. Many people think that building a website is hard, but I can show you howeasy it really is. Take my 10 day email course “Build a Website with Ease”[signup form here].

Thesecond strategy to make money online is driving traffic to your website.

When I say traffic, I don’t just mean any old traffic, Imean targeted traffic, people who are motivated and ready to buy can and willmake you money. You can use programs and techniques such as Google Adwords,bloging, article writing and linking to drive targeted traffic to your website. GoogleAdwords is a resource offered by Google in which you can payfor your site to be show when certain keywords are queried in their searchengine.

The secret to using Adwords is not to bid high on popular keywords. Instead,what you do is find similar keywords that still describe your website, but are usedmuch less frequent. These keywords will cost much less to bid on and will allowyou to spread your money out over many different keywords, getting the most bangfor your buck. You can use this handy little tool to find similar keywords:

Bloging is another greatway to drive targeted traffic to your website. To get the most out of this techniquethe blog should be hosted on the same website as the sales page witch links toyour affiliate program. Once its setup all you have to do is fill your blogwith good quality content.

I recommend writing your own content which specificallyrelates to your affiliate program and or products. Once you have some contentyou will need to submit your RSS feed to the as many blog search engines as youcan. This will put your blog out there for other webmasters to use as content feeds on their websites.

This win-win situation allows webmasters to have qualitycontent on their website, which increases the value of that website whiledriving targeted traffic directly to you.

This is done by the URL link that youconveniently placed under your name after the blog was written. That means that your link is on a blog feed that is onthousands of websites. Not only do people click those links but Google seesthese links pointing back to you and thinks that you’re popular and you arerewarded with a higher page rank.

Articlewriting is basically the same as bloging except theinformation in an article will need to have more useful content and be pepperedwith keywords that the webmasters are looking for. After completing yourarticle you will submit (syndicate) it to content sites as opposed to blogsearch engines.

Content sites are places where webmasters go to findspecific content to offer their readers. If you are a good writer you may atsome point build up a name for yourself and finagle a deal with a webmaster towrite exclusives for his site. His readers get great exclusive content and youget highly motivated targeted traffic.

Linking is perhaps themost widely used form of increasing traffic and page rank. However, if doneincorrectly you could end up hurting your Google page rank and ultimatelyloosing potential buyers. You will need your own website for this technique asyou will need a ‘links’ page to place your reciprocal links on.

Many people go and submit their URL links to link farms inan attempt to trick Google into giving them a better page rank. This does NOTwork; in fact Google has been known to penalize websites for engaging in theseactivities.

The secret to linking is to find websites in your nichemarket which have a Google page rank of 4 or above and enticing the webmasterto list your link on their website. You may think that you would be helpingyour competition, well you would be. But your competition would be helping youas well. It’s better to send leaving traffic to a partner than just having themclose their browser window, and remember that works both ways.

The strategies listed in this article do work and they willincrease you sales and residuals it done correctly. Reciprocal linking, Blogingand Article writing are great ways to bring massive amounts of high qualitytargeted traffic to your website. Those strategies combined with an effectivesales page with an integrated opt-in email list can make your business soar tonew heights. You can and will make money with this system, Guaranteed
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How To Promote Your Website

Promoting Your Website With Articles

Writing Articles is great free promotion and an easy way of bringing extra traffic to your website.Website and newsletter publishers always need original content and you could be just the person to provide them with it.

Each article you have published is excellent advertising for your website as at the end of your article you will have printed an 'about the author' section (also called bylines), this advertises you and your website and builds free traffic to your site and credibility for you if your articles are of good quality.Anyone can write an article for a website, as long as you know enough about your chosen topic and plan it well.

An ideal topic is 'How To' tutorials that teaches the reader something that will help them - no one can ever have too much knowledge, and knowledge is power.Start off with a catchy headline for your title - no cliches - just enough to grab interest and attention to your work. List key points you will want to include in your article - decide if you know enough about each point, if not then research it.

Research and learn as much as possible, read and keep reading, keep learning. When you write your article lay it out in these 'key points' so readers will find it easy to digest. Short sections kept to the point work very well. Using your key points - work on one section at a time. Try to keep the article at around 4 or 5 sections and keep each section neat and all laid out in the same way.At the end of your article write 3 or 4 bylines (About the Author); Your name, email address, website url and anything else you wish to advertise. This is your 'payment' for your work - Free Advertising and Free Traffic.

Once you have finished writing put your work aside, reread it the next day with a clear head. By doing this you will pick up on any mistakes you have made and will most likely find parts you could re-write and explain better. Dont forget to spell check your article, nothing is worse than reading a badly spelt article.

Once you are satisfied with your finished article you need to find ways to have it published. There are hundreds of free content lists and websites that accept articles and many that are dedicated to specific topics. Now you have submitted your article to free content lists and sites you should start to contact individual website and newsletter publishers asking each to accept your article.

Build up a list of publishers that accept and send them articles each time you write one.Keep up your writing, try to write at least one article a month, the more you write the better you will become. The better the quality of your work, the more people will publish you and therefore the more traffic to your site.

By: Claire Goodwin


10 POWERFUL Reasons To Start A Home Based Business

Home Based Business's are spreading across North America and have become widely recognized as one of the most desirable business's to start for several reasons.Just think for a minute what it would be like to work from home and never have to worry about waiting in grid lock traffic or to answer to your boss's demands.Wouldn't that be great?In todays fast paced world a little extra income doesn't hurt in order for the average guy or gal to get ahead in life so they can enjoy the little extra's life has to offer that there current job doesn't allow them to do.

I know from experience because that's what made me take the neccessary action steps required in order for me to enjoy the quality of life I wanted to live and provide for my family.But, the problem that usually occurs is people need to be motivated by something or inspired in order to take action.Well, the purpose of this article is to do exactly that, inspire you.

I'm going to cover with you the 10 main reasons why You should consider starting your known 'Home Based Business' and the benefits behind each of them.I guarantee once you read through them you'll agree that a 'Home Based Business' might be worth considering.

With that said, let's go to reason

#1.Reason #1. Be your own Boss.

Ever dream of being your own Boss?Well starting a 'Home Based Business' is a step in the right direction and the best part is, you'll never have to answer to anyone else's orders, just your own.

Reason #2. Work when you want to.This is probably one of the best reasons in my book for starting a 'Home Based Business' simply because you get to set your own schedule for what hours You want to work.This is especially beneficial for stay at home moms who have children to tend to and need some flexibility in there work schedules.

Reason #3. Freedom to do what you want when you want. How's that for a reason to get started. By being your own boss and being able to schedule your own work hours you NOW have the freedom to do what you want when you want to with whom you want at anytime.It's a great feeling to be in control of your own life and do what you want when you want.

Reason #4. No more worrying about job security. By having you own 'Home Based Business' you never have to worry about receiving a pink slip from your boss or a "SORRY", but the company has to cut back on its employee's and You happen to be one of the one's who has to go.

Reason #5. It doesn't interfere with your current "J.O.B.". That's right, you don't have to quit your current J.O.B. in order to get started. You can start on a part-time basis until your able to replace your current income with the income you generate from your business.Remember, you get to set your own hours for when you want to work your business.

Reason #6. It will make you a more confident person.By setting out and starting your own business it'll make you a more confident person because it takes alot of confidence to start something you have no idea what the outcome might be and the risks involved, whether there financial or personal.

Reason #7. It builds a sense of pride.Wouldn't it be great to be able to tell your friends and family or just somebody you meet that you're an entrepreneur and you run and operate your own successful 'Home Based Business'.Pride also works as a motivator because the more successful you get the harder you'll want to work in order to achieve the goals you have set for your business.

Reason #8. It's all for the MONEY.MONEY is a pretty obvious reason for starting a 'Home Based Business' because Why would you otherwise start a business if you weren't planning on making any MONEY.It also builds a sense of security for your way of life and the things you enjoy doing because the facts are... nothing for FREE. Everything has a price.

Reason #9. You get great Tax benefits.You heard right, you get Tax benefits with running your own 'Home Based Business' because now you're entitled to home business tax deductions.This is a category in it's own and getting a good CPA who has experience with home based business tax returns will be essential in order for you to maximize your return for the year.

Reason #10. Wouldn't it be great to retire early.If your business turns out to be a SUCCESS and you invest and put your money to work for you, wouldn't it be great to retire early and do the things you've always dreamed of doing, but never had the time or money to do so.There you have it, "10 POWERFUL Reasons Why You're Crazy NOT To Start A... Home Based Business In 2005".

Now, if those 10 reasons don't get you excited about starting a 'Home Based Business' then I have failed to inspire you.If you need to read through them again, do so now.These are the very reasons I contiplated before starting my home based business and in my mind are the most common.Write down for yourself why You would want to start a 'Home Based Business', I bet you'll come up with several of the reasons I've listed above.With that said, there's one more thing I want to mention and that is if you are seriously thinking about starting a 'Home Based Business', whether it be online or offline, make sure you put together a 'Step-By-Step' business plan on the actions you must take and make sure you start a business you enjoy doing.

By: Cory Threlfall
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