How To Make Money With Article Writing
By: Jeff SchumanRight now the Internet offers tremendous opportunity forbusinesses that learn how to write articles providinginformation about a subject people are looking for.
Article writing is fun and becomes and easy way to make money online when you include website links back to web pages of productsyou sell like I have done in this article.
If you are unsure about how to write an article here isan excellent ebook that covers everything you need to know:
After you have written your article you will want to submit itto article directories all over the Internet as well as use someof the different methods below to get your articles out wherepeople can find them.
In every article you write be sure and include a resource box atthe end that promotes yourself, product and web site URL.
Here's some ways writing and submitting articles can help yougrow your business.
- Once your article is written submit it to e-zines and websites for them to publish it.
The key is to put your resource boxat the end of the article. This gives you free advertisingpromoting your website itself. The resource box is really asmall classified ad telling a little about yourself, or yourbusiness.
If you would like to automate your article submissions thebest program on the market for that is Article Submitter Pro.This program will help you submit ot over 700 directories.
- When you have several articles written put them in a freee-book. You can place your business ad in the e-book and give itaway for free. Allow it to be given away for free over and overas a form of viral marketing. This technique makes writingarticles a very powerful form of marketing as you never know whenit will end!
- Start an article directory on your web site. Archiving yourarticles is a great way to provide free information for your website visitors as well as provide fresh content for the searchengines to spider.
- If you feel you are a good article writer try submitting themto various print publications like magazines and newspapers. Ofcourse you will want to get a little bit about yourself andbusiness in a resource box here as well.
- Combine a few of your articles together into a free report.Give away the free report as a bonus for buying your mainproduct or service.
- Give people an instant article directory. Tell visitors theycan instantly add a free article directory to their web site bylinking to yours. All those links can add up to a large amountof traffic to your web site.
- Allow people to include your articles in their free e-books. Your article could end up being in 20 to 30 e-books in no time.You won't even have to promote the e-books.
- Set up an email automatic responder with some of your articlesin it. This allows people to receive your articles instantly byemail and they can then use them as they see fit.
The main point is do different things. Article writing offerstremendous opportunities to the marketer who learns how to writeinformational articles people want to read and then gets thosearticles out in circulation a number of different ways.
Jeff Schuman writes and submits articles as one his main marketing methods. His make money online website contains hundreds of ways to make money on the internet. If you are interested in making money working at home check it out here:
Advertising and Promoting Using Articles
By: Justin Brown
A very efficient method to advertise your professional services, the products you are selling or simply to show how educated you are in a particular niche is by using the highly beneficial method of article marketing.
These articles that enclose at the end a short presentation of you or your business can be about various solution to actual problems, about everyday life or any other topic that will interest and inform a reader about the subject. There are many sites to which you can submit these articles to, or if you have a database of your customers’ emails, just drop them an email containing the article and a link to your personal site or professional site. Over time, it is hoped that your article will be syndicated on websites throughout the internet.
The articles can generally be copied from one article submission site to the other as long as the content belongs to you and you are not stealing someone else’s work. There is a huge demand for content on the internet, it's what keeps the search engines hungry, and with so many website owners and ezine publishers regularly looking for fresh content, chances are that your article will not only be used on article directories but also on several other sites.
The more interesting and informative an article is, the more people will read and remember it. Even if you don’t have experience with writing, there are some benefits that may persuade you to give it a try:
- It may improve the way you convey your thoughts on a subject.
- It will bring your website visibility.
- If it’s written well it will may help someone.
- You can prove your knowledge in your professional areas.
Publishing articles means they have to contain mostly useful information and just a little bit of advertising. If they don’t follow this rule, you might end up with an un-publishable article. The promotion area of the article is usually meant for the end of that article, known as the "resource box". As an article directory owner myself, I know that there are many authors who insist on placing links to their website throughout the article, but I would suggest that having an informative article with the links to "futher information" in the resource box is a much clearer and better structured approach.
Articles are meant to inform the reader of a particular subject, and not merely persuade the reader to visit your site with every paragraph written. In fact, should you have a good enough article, the reader will more than likely choose to visit the site in your resource box in any case. I recently received an article that contained 11 links in a 200-word article! This DID NOT include the resource box where a further 4 links were provided. Needless to say the article was rejected, so make sure your articles are interesting and informative with promotion left to the appropriate section.
There are other things you could do with articles if you are willing to spend some money. There are different publicity sites, ranked high in search engines that for a fee will publish your article on their site for a limited period of time. The fee is not high usually, but can provide publicity should you choose this route. But if this choice is the one that appeals to you the most, you must make sure the article is really good, so good that it can compete with all the other articles on that site. The user can see them all at the same time and you must think of ways to make him choose to read yours. If you have tried and you are not confident you can do it on your own, you can always hire a professional.
Justin Brown offers tips and advice on his
>article marketing blog. Authors can
>submit articles to the site, and also find recommendations and >product reviews
Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Articles Published by Following These Simple Guidelines
By: Mary Hanna
Getting your articles published in most cases is an easy task. Most importantly, no matter which directory you choose to submit your article, you must follow their submission rules. These rules are a little different for each directory and by not abiding by them, your article will not be published or in publishing terms “binned” (in their trash can).
Your first step is to write the best possible article that you can, with a great title that will generate interest for the reader and the publisher. Your headline will be the attention getter, so make it work.
Don’t be wordy; keep your article short and to the point. Long text that runs unbroken is visually unappealing. It will make the reader think it will be hard to get through. In the bustling world of today, people want instant gratification. They want to be able to scan through the information quickly and understand it thoroughly.
Make it easy on the publisher and tell them they have the right to use your article freely. The less work they have to do, the more they will respect your efforts. Some publishers prefer plan text with hard wrapped 60-65 characters per line. Be sensitive to the publisher’s requests.
Never shamelessly promote your product. If you want to sell your product, explain your knowledge, your character and your innovative thinking. Your goal is to solve a problem or fill a need by educating the people on how you can help them. Sometimes just telling a story will get your point across. Try to be subtle! Everyone hates to be sold and if you are too blatant, you will turn people off. You want to project your expertise.
Only at the end of the article do you include a few sentences about you in your resource box or “About the Author”. This is where you have a short biography about yourself and your expertise. List your website(s) and hyperlink them so it is easy for the reader to get to them. Just before the resource box, I write that: “Everyone is free to use the article as long as the article is published intact and the resource box remains.” See my example below.
Run a spell check on your articles then read it out loud to someone else in order to check for grammatical errors. Nothing says unprofessional better than sloppy spelling and incorrect grammar. Be careful with words that sound alike but have different meanings. The most troublesome are “their” and “there” or “your” and “you’re”. Make sure you use them in the right context. Remember, an apostrophe indicates possession. For example, Mary’s dress is extraodinary.
Here are a few of the FREE article directories that have a page rank of 4 or more that you can submit your articles to (always submit to article directories with the highest page rank first):
The above article directories will just get you started. Go to the search engines and type in “article directories” and you will find many more. Article writing with meaningful content is an important tool to drive traffic to your website and should not be overlooked. Publishers are always looking for fresh content and your articles may be just what they need.
Copyright © 2006 Mary Hanna All Rights Reserved.
This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.
About the AuthorMary Hanna writes eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles. Visit her websites at: or contact her at
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